Тема: Įdomūs įvykiai
1972 metų lapkričio 7 dienos JAV Senato rinkimuose, senatoriumi Delaware išrenkamas demokratas Joe Biden, vietoje tuo metu senatoriumi dirbusio respublikono J. Caleb Boggs.
1972 metų gruodžio mėnesį, sunkvežimis trenkiasi į Joe Biden žmonos vairuojamą automobilį, kuriuo važiuoja ir trys jų vaikai. Žmona ir 1 metų dukra miršta, sūnūs sužeisti.
'Boggs, a moderate Republican, was considered “the lovable old man of Delaware politics,” Curtis Wilkie, a News Journal political reporter at the time, told me recently, or as Norm Lockman wrote in 1972, Boggs’ “sweet grandpa image” had “made him one of the best liked men in Delaware.” He was a pro-business Republican whom labor had supported in the past. In his 2007 memoir, Biden wrote about all of the people he would run into in Wilmington who told him it would be lunacy to challenge Boggs, who had earned the trust of so many Delawareans over his decades of service. One “older attorney,” Biden wrote, told Biden of a dispute between players at a poker game he had recently hosted. No one at the table could resolve it.
“You know what we did, Joe?” the attorney told Biden. “We called Cale Boggs to settle it.”'
https://slate.com/news-and-politics/201 … enate.html
Joe Biden - demokratų kandidatas 2020 metų JAV prezidento rinkimuose, pagal apklausas esantis pirmoje vietoje demokratų kandidatų sąraše.